Chain surveying procedure pdf














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The principle of chain surveying is to provide a skeleton framework of straight lines, which can be plotted to scale if the lengths of these lines are pre- Teacher Notes and Instructions for Chain Surveying Activity. This activity requires a minimum of four children in the active roles but works with groups of The longest chain line in chain surveying is called the base line. This is the most important line and the whole framework ofThe chain survey is the simplest method of surveying. In the chain survey, only measurements are taken in the field, and the rest work, such as plotting In such a case, the coordinate method is the best. Procedure. From the given distances and offsets, a point is selected as the origin. The coordinated of all. Chain diagram is the least troublesome strategy for surveying. In chain diagram, just estimations are taken in the field, and the rest work, for 1. Chain. In chain surveying chains are the considerably essential equipment for the procedure of survey. Chains are utilized to measure horizontal distances. Perpendicular. Procedure : To start the cross staff survey ,a chain line is run through the centre of the area to be surveyed .it is The distortion due to errors in measurement and plotting should be minimum. 8. What are the operations involved in chain survey? (i). Ranging: The process of

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