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Unlike other introductory forestry texts, which focus largely on forest ecology rather than practical forestry concepts, Introduction to Forestry and Natural In the Introduction to Forestry and Natural. Resources course, you'll learn more about forest ecology, management, and conservation. You'll explore.Forestry: Forestry has been defined as „the theory and practice of all that constitutes the creation, conservation and scientific management of forests and the INTRODUCTION TO FORESTRY (2 + 0) The Forest - "Forest is defined as an area set aside for the production of timber and other forest produce, or maintained Introduction to Forestry. Catalog Course Description. Covers the relationship of forests to our national and local life. The various forest sciences and the The Florida Forest Service had over 1,058,000 acres on 35 State. Forests in 2011 that are used for multiple purposes, such as: timber, wildlife protection,
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